How Vein Doctors Use Ultrasound?

Sonography and Ultrasound imaging has been cited as the most important advance in medicine during the last half of the 20th century. It is used by vein doctors to “see inside the veins” without having to break the skin or invade a body cavity has ushered in an age of minimally invasive interventional radiology(IR) treatment techniques that have revolutionized surgery. 


Many diseases had to be treated with invasive surgery before the invention of ultrasound, which meant that the surgeons had to make deep incisions that required general anesthesia and resulted in post-surgical scarring, pain, and long recovery periods. Newer ultrasound-guided IR procedures have eliminated the need for all of that, and have made possible vein treatments that are so pain-and trauma-free they can be performed in your doctor’s offices. 

What exactly is ultrasound?

Ultrasound technically refers to the sound waves that have a frequency higher than the limit of human hearing. These high-frequency sound waves are generated by an ultrasound wand or transducer and then pass harmlessly through the muscle tissue, skin, bone, blood vessels, and organs in the practice of varicose vein treatment. They bounce off of these objects and return to a computer as they do, which creates a kind of two-dimensional “sonic map” of the area being scanned. With exposure to radiation, the result is similar to an x-ray but without the dangers associated. 


Standard ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound, and Duplex ultrasound

For viewing the internal structures of an area of the body, standard ultrasound creates a 2D, gray-scale image that is useful. This type of ultrasound is often used in the diagnosis of vein diseases, because it clearly shows the structure of your veins (to detect any abnormalities), and can show any blockages to them (such as blood clots). Standard ultrasound is also used by varicose vein treatment jericho experts to precisely guide tiny needles or catheters into place to close diseased blood vessels or destroy blood clots.

The limitation of standard ultrasound in the vein treatment of vein disease is that disease 2D, grey-scale images can’t really display blood as it flows through your veins. To see that, vein specialist jericho use Doppler ultrasound, which adds color to the images to display motion, so that vein doctor jericho can determine whether blood is flowing as it should, or whether it is displaying reflux motion and flowing “backward”, pooling in your veins instead of returning to the heart. This reflux blood flow is a symptom of chronic venous insufficiency(CVI), the most common cause of varicose veins. 


Doppler ultrasound is sometimes combined with standard ultrasound to create Duplex ultrasound sonograms, which display both types of images at once. Duplex ultrasound is often used to diagnose and in serious vein treatment diseases like deep vein thrombosis(DVT).

What is the cost of ultrasound?

Depending on the region the price of ultrasound can range between $200 and $500. The average Healthcare Bluebook fair cost estimate is $225. Where you get your ultrasound and your insurance coverage are the two factors on which ultrasound cost depends.